Earlier this week we were interviewed by Dallis Ontiveros from the KHON2 news crew about the latest cyber attacks on Hawaii critical infrastructure and how companies should best protect themselves from becoming a victim.
If you missed the short segments, not to worry – they’ve been posted on the KHON2 website: https://www.khon2.com/news/cyber-attacks-and-holiday-hacks/

Some takeaways:
For those employees who use the Kronos timekeeping service to submit and track their time, stop using it right away. Be sure to check with your manager about what new system is in place. It might be written timekeeping or a new, replacement digital platform being rolled out.
Although the Kronos timekeeping platform has been the victim of a ransomware attack, there is no evidence at this time that employee data has been breached or stolen. However, be wary of scammers and cyber criminals who may try to take advantage of this incident to trick and steal from trusting individuals.
Double check your cyber hygiene. Are you re-using passwords on multiple websites? Do you have 2-factor authentication turned on for your email, banking and shopping sites and apps? If not, now is a good time to get that cleaned up before an incident occurs.
And, breaking news – we will be on the air tomorrow morning on the KITV4 morning news from 6:20-8am talking about this topic so watch live on your TV or mobile device – https://kitv.com.
Stay safe out there