Christian Grado, a 29 year old Waikiki man is behind bars after being accused of sending thousands of emails to an address dedicated to reporting stay at home violations.
Back in September Mayor Kirk Caldwell issued a stay at home order for Honolulu residents and provided the public with an email address to report violations. The next day, the email box was flooded with over 2,300 junk messages which tied up the Honolulu Police Department’s staff and prevented them from responding to actual complaints for up to two days.
As a bit of a side note, our Security Operations Center monitors thousands of devices so in a typical day we’ll ingest well over a million notices from computers, firewalls, network switches, servers, Office 365 accounts, Sharepoint, Applications, Internet connection monitors, internal network vulnerability scans, suspicious user activity alerts, suspicious software activity alerts, malicious external network attacks, malicious internal network attacks, compliance violations, and so much more. We take all this and filter out only the important things and hand deliver it to the IT department. This type of responsibility is a compliance requirement so either IT departments have to do it themselves, which can be a lot of work or we help them out. Even so, knowing about problems before things get out of hand and catch fire can be a real life saver for IT departments.
Anyway, it looks like arresting Christian Grodo is a good reminder to the public. Don’t mess with the Honolulu Police Department!
And one more thing, a quick message to the courts. Windows 7 was sunsetted and made end of life by Microsoft way back in January. All businesses, especially those in healthcare or doing work for the government were required to replace these systems prior to this deadline. Continuing to use Windows 7 is a massive security risk and irresponsible. The security flaws in the operating system are so bad that even Microsoft can no longer patch them.
We understand that IT departments are under more pressure now then ever. So if you have questions or need assistance, feel free to reach out. We can help.
Hopefully this video has been interesting and informative and if you know of someone who might benefit from it, pass it along. We’re all in this together and thank you for giving us the opportunity to be of service to the community.
Stay safe out there