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Cyber criminals thwarted from disrupting Oahu telecommunications

Not sure if you’ve heard the news, but we were featured on KITV yesterday and talked about the coordinated cyberattack on the undersea cable that connects Hawaii to the rest of the world.

According to the latest press release from Homeland Security, a Nation-State sponsored APT (Advanced Persistent Threat) actor was thwarted from targeting an undersea fiberoptic cable that would have disrupted internet connectivity for the entire state. The cable line is maintained by a private company which had been infiltrated by bad actors. Luckily Homeland Security was able to make a series of coordinated arrests before the APT was able to strike.

The Takeaway

Prevention is always less disruptive, painful and expensive than remediating an incident. Are your staff trained up and up-to-speed with their security awareness training? When was the last time your backups were spun up and checked? Do you have a proper EDR solution in place or does your company rely on basic antivirus software (or none at all?!)

If you don’t have clear answers to these questions, that’s okay. Reach out – we can help.

Stay safe out there.



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