Hi there I’m Attila with Cylanda and I’m here to introduce you to the total security appliance it’s something that we provide our clients to protect their business networks from all those nasty things that are out on the Internet now this box uses artificial intelligence to protect your business network from viruses from ads and it also really watches the inside of your network for anything that’s going on that could be unusual and alerts you about it and so that you can do something about it before it becomes a problem now there’s many compliance requirements out there that have need for this such as HIPAA SOCK NIST and this meets those requirements for you we provide you with all kinds of reports but best of all we manage it for you so you don’t have to train your staff or have any sort of learning curve we just come in take care of for you and it’s all done so if you are interested in this product feel free to reach out we can help thank you.