Now that the holidays are wrapping up, the bad guys are back to their old tricks. Now they're creating look-alikes of reputable websites, stuffing them with malware and taking out Google ads to get unsuspecting users to visit them. But not you, now that you're in the know. There are a lot of ways for hackers to copy a website and researchers have found look-alike impostor sites for common tools such as Notepad++, Microsoft Teams, Filezilla, CutePdf and even Celebrity Cruise Lines.
The Takeaway
Here's what you need to keep an eye out for:
These imposter websites start with a fake Cloudflare pop-up, asking you to “verify you are human by completing the action below." This type of message on websites is becoming more common as it prevents bots and other unwanted traffic.
But, instead of solving a CAPTCHA, it shows something like “Your browser does not support correct offline display of this site. Please follow the instructions below using the “Fix it” button.“
The "Fix it" button copies a malicious command into memory (the machine’s clipboard), then asks you to run it. Once run, voila, the bad actor has access to your computer and the network you're connected to.
This new campaign is especially devious because it imitates a common Cloudflare popup, plus Google Ads (which most people assume are reputable) and a convincing looking look-alike website, to get you to infect your own computer!
In short, make sure you and your network users are wary when they see the words "Fix-It" pop up on a website so they don't infect their systems.
Stay safe out there.
Announcement: The Riskara 360 Employee Security Risk Assessment is coming soon.
It reveals the employee behaviors and habits that could be putting your organization in jeopardy and gives you a step-by-step plan to making critical improvements. We've had a lot of interest in the assessment since announcing it's development. Click here to request early access.
PS. If you think that this email might be helpful to a friend, family member, client or co-worker, feel free to pass it along. Thank you for your continued support of Cypac's mission.
Thank you for helping us accelerate humanity toward a safer, more secure high-tech future.
New Friday Funnies
How many clickbait articles does it take to change a lightbulb?
The answer will shock you...
I electrified the toilet of a clickbait writer
No. 1 will shock him.